Sold or Not for Sale Works
So grateful that these works of art have found their forever home. If you are interested in purchasing one of my current works, please visit my SHOP Pages
Forever Home: Gifted by Amber Williams to the DeKatch family “Autumn Play” (c2023)
Forever Home: Gifted by Amber Williams to friend Sarah “Sunflower Babes” (c2020)
Forever Home: Barbara Melnyk “Friendship Flowers”
Forever Home: Margaret Burns “Wild Flowers”
Commissioned Portrait (Debora McDell Hernandez) of Jonita B. Council-James, unveiled on the occasion of Rochester General Hospital’s dedication of the Mother’s Room honoring her life.
“Thomas Takes Flight” June 20, 2022: Presented by Bill Ferguson & Garth Fagan to Thomas Warfield on the occasion of his 60th birthday celebration at RIT.