Sad Pie

Sad Pie
Welcome to the place to learn about our series of healing books for children. Sad Pie is the first publication in a spiritual care series authored by Rev. Robin I. Blair and illustrated by Lydia Boddie-Rice. Published in 2021, Sad Pie is becoming a go-to resource for therapists, educators, families, caregivers, parents, grandparents, and our best audience, children. Limited autographed copies.
Robin I. Blair and Lydia Boddie-Rice are two lifelong friends and high school graduates of Pittsford Sutherland, whose love for children brought them together to write and illustrate a children's book dedicated to coping with grief and loss. Sad Pie, first in a series of planned children's books, tells a story about seven year old Violet who is grieving because her cat, Sadie, has died. While visiting her grandparents and sharing homemade sweet, blueberry pie, Violet discovers there is a way to remember her beloved pet and live through the loss. She is helped by trusting in the love that was shared between her and Sadie, and still is tenderly shared in her family.
Robin Blair, DMin, has been writing for children for many years in award winning song, television, radio, and story. She has focused her creative efforts to help children and families honor the spiritual nature of life as the threads that connect us all. As ordained clergy, she has served as a pediatric hospital Chaplain, a Spiritual Director, and Pastor in the United Methodist church. She is a proud mother and grandmother, recognizing both personally and professionally how important it is to keep naming love, trust, hope, and kindness in our lives.
Lydia Boddie - Rice is President & Creative Principal of BoddieWorks Creations and Consulting, the business backdrop for her re-emergence as a creative who strives to integrate all forms of artistic expression in every aspect of her life. Throughout her professional executive career, Lydia's renaissance nature has influenced an eclectic and voracious approach to managing, learning, critical thinking, conflict resolution and problem solving. As a visual artist and illustrator, her creations bring a practical understanding of the creative process to her personal and professional pursuits. Lydia minored in psychology at Brown University with the intention to pursue a career in art therapy. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Art from Brown , a master’s degree in Agency Counseling from Rhode Island College, and K-12 art education teaching certification from Rhode Island School of Design. She has received numerous honors and awards for her professional contributions and expertise and is an avid champion for emerging artists.
"We love your book and would love to have it in the store. It is so sweet, and so needed for many children." -Pamela, Hipocampo Children's Books, LLC
"This book helped me think about my cat that died, too. I really loved her like Violet loved Sadie, so I went and talked to my Grandma about it." Stella, 8
"It's hard for me to talk about things that might be painful with kids - I think this book will be a big help." Sue, mother and grandmother
"Sad Pie is a must read for any child, grandparent or parent trying to explain or understand loss. After reading the title, I thought I would feel sadness throughout the book. What surprised me is how that sense of sadness turned into a heartwarming journey that will be remembered from cover to cover". -Denise Barton, Esq.
"Loved Sad Pie. Knowing the illustrator makes it even more special...Should have had you around as I explained to the kids how important illustrations are to comprehension of the text, how what to illustrate is chosen, and illustrations may aid comprehension if the text is hard to comprehend. It all came back to me as I imagined your collaboration to achieve such beautiful and meaningful images." -Joan Nageldinger, retired educator, Rochester City School District